Podcasts and Webinar

In this post there are 2 podcast episodes and a link to a recorded webinar I gave on bullying, as well as helpful resources.

If you are reading this as a blog post or on your mobile device, click here to listen to the podcast.

In this first of a two – part series on bullying, I discuss what bullying is and what is isn’t, the various types of bullying and the prevalence of bullying among school – age children. I also explore the various types  the warning signs indicating that a young person is either being bullied or is bullying others themselves.

If you are reading this as a blog post or on your mobile device, click here to listen to the podcast.

In this second episode on bullying, I present the signs that a young person is bullying or that a young person is being bullied. I offers strategies for engaging teens in both circumstances as well as tips for recognizing and addressing bullying behavior among adults. Finally, I provide resources for adults and organizations involved with young people that can be used to foster a safe environment for teens and adults.

Bullying Webinar

Click here to watch my 1 hour in depth webinar sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry entitled “Confronting the Bullying Epidemic”

Why Don't Youth Seek Help with Bullying


The Bully Project

CDC Tip Sheet

Dr. Rosalind Wiseman’s Queen Bees and Wannabes and Masterminds and Wingmen.